Custom Dolphin Beach House Sign
A wonderful way to celebrate these fascinating marine mammals!
Here are 10 fun facts you might not know -
1. There are nearly 40 species of dolphins, but the most common species is the Bottlenose, and the largest is the Orca - that's right, Orcas are not really are not "killer whales".2. Dolphins all over the world - 34 species in the ocean and 5 in rivers. Pretty amazing!3. Dolphins are born tail first - Being a mammal and giving birth at sea is no easy task, and every baby dolphin comes into the world in reverse. If you’re lucky enough to see a very young dolphin you might also notice that they look ‘creased’ from where they were folded up inside their mothers. A healthy diet of fatty dolphin milk soon irons out those creases though.
4. Dolphins stay with their mothers for a long time; some stay up to eight years5. Dolphins are nurturing toward sick or injured animals in their pod.6. Dolphins are very social animals and swim in groups called “pods.” Some pods can have up to 1,000 dolphins. We have seen pods of 200-300 in Monterey Bay on several whale watching tours - AMAZING site!7. When dolphins sleep only half of their brain sleeps at a time. This means one side of their brain stays “on” so they can breathe and stay alert.8. Dolphins have around 100 teeth, but they’re more like fish hooks than teeth that are used for chewing. They use them to grab fish in the water, but then swallow the fish whole. Plus they have two stomachs, one for digestion and the other for food storage.9. Dolphins only migrate if they are not getting enough food.10. Dolphins have built in sonar - Dolphins navigate and find their food using echolution. This bounces noise off objects and their surroundings to ‘see’ in surround-sound. Tonight we will be mixing up cocktails in our fun Dolphin Glassware - check our instagram feed for pics!Have a great weekend Dolphin spotting on your coast!