Shellabrating World Turtle Day!
Posted by Denise on Jun 22, 2023
Celebrated every May 23rd, this special day was created as a yearly observance to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world.
We are Sea Turtle Lovers around here and wanted to show off some of our favorite indoor-outdoor coastal decor pieces that help to bring awareness to these amazing ocean creatures.
How can you help Sea Turtles? Here are few super simple ideas!
1. Observe ONLY. Don't ever get too close or touch them if you find them resting on the beach. It might be tempting, but just take their picture and stand at least 10 or more feet away (Caron's pet peeve!)
2. Participate in your local coastal clean-ups to keep our beaches and ocean clean. It's fun too!
3. Don't release balloons at the beach for a celebration. They only fly up and fly right back down, creating hazards in the ocean.
4. Be a good ocean steward. When you leave the beach, grab a piece of trash—even if it isn’t yours!
5. Think about purchasing decor items that are sustainably and beautifully made from recycled plastic and glass.
We can help with that....