Supporting A Cause Close to our Hearts

Supporting A Cause Close to our Hearts

Posted by Caron on Apr 02, 2020

During the month of April Caron's Beach House will be donating 15% of our Abbiamo Dinnerware  Sale Proceeds to World Central Kitchens.  

This week on Instagram, I happened to see a great post from Reese Witherspoon about what World Central Kitchens was doing to help our first responders during this unprecedented time of crisis. I immediately knew that this was something that we could also help with. WCK, with their #ChefsForAmerica program is providing much needed meals for seniors, families, our first responders AND for our critically needed, exhausted health care workers.  

We've decided that this is an organization that we can totally get behind - this is a big job that they've undertaken right now!

In order to help World Central Kitchens continue to feed everyone, and to provide jobs for out-of-work restaurant workers during this absolute crisis, we have teamed up with one of our favorite dinnerware companies, Abbiamo Tutto, to donate 15% of our proceeds for each one of these Italian dinnerware pieces sold towards this important project. 


The artist behind these wonderful, colorful coastal tableware pieces from Abbiamo Tutto is hoping to not only help our own country with providing meals, but also helping to support her small family artisans in Italy as they are also facing this crisis. 

From the WCK website:

"We are facing an unprecedented emergency, unlike anything this country has experienced. Beyond the health impacts of the COVID-19 coronavirus, our economy has ground to a halt — schools and businesses are closed, travel is restricted, and restaurants face an uncertain future. Traditional safety nets like school feeding programs, childcare services, and senior centers are struggling to stay open.

The reality is stark, but simple: Millions of Americans are out of work and struggling to put food on the table for their families.

But this moment is not without hope. We will get through this, and World Central Kitchen has seen what’s possible as we’ve fought on the front lines in Japan and California deploying systems to deliver meals to quarantined cruise ship passengers. Our Relief Team is now serving nearly 100,000 meals every day across the country, and we need you. Together, #ChefsForAmerica can make sure nobody is left behind."

If you want to know more or would like to donate directly, just click on the image below and it will take you to World Central Kitchens Website.

We really hope that you can help too!  We think now is a great time to enjoy elegant dinnerware at home with our families, or to simply send a special gift to someone that you're missing far away.  

Together, we will get through this. 
